Activities and Objectives

The Kohima Press Club works to protect the interest and the rights of the Press while providing informational and educational platforms, and networking opportunities for members and others to discuss professional issues to effect change. The Kohima Press Club strives to:
– Maintain a liaison with various government agencies whose actions directly affect the media.
– Promote and recognize ethical journalism practices.
– Advance, develop and formally recognize higher standards of journalism.
– Encourage social and intellectual exchange among the Press fraternity.
– Raise public awareness of the profession.
– Organize meetings, talks, discussions, workshops and debates on topics generally of interest to journalists and to provide facilities to hold Press Conferences, news-photo exhibitions and contests.
– Promote other recreational activities for the benefit and well-being of the Club and its members.
– Promote the cultural, educational, economic and professional interests of journalists.
– Establish a network with other media organisations within the State and outside.
– Uphold professional ethics, solidarity and unity.